Plot: Officer Park Yoon Hee is a beautiful young detective who has high hopes of being accepted in the Violent Crime Division. However, her father and chief of police, has other plans for her... so instead of the Violent Crime Division he assigns her on the Unsolved Crime Division were nothing ever gets done and there is only 2 staff members including her!The excitement that she most eagerly longs for though, is about to barge in her life when she will meet a mysterious boy...
The Grand Legend Ramayana
A Fantasy Fiction comic that inspired by a tale of Rama and Laksmana...
Yoru to Yakusok
Yoshino Shinya is a high school boy who is bullied all the time at school, which leads him to have no friends. However, no one knows that he is actually half-youkai, and due to that, he has the desire to eat human flesh. But because of the promise he made with his youkai father never to prey on humans, Shinya tries to resist his youkai blood that is thirsty for human's blood, and live as a normal high school student. Will he be able to keep the promise he made with his father and keep his secret hidden?