Hokenshitsu no Shinigami
Plot: Hadesu Sensei is no ordinary middle school nurse. In fact, many students believe he is a shinigami. His excessive friendliness and eagerness to win his students' affection does little to offset his terrifying appearance. But, fortunately for this middle school, Hadesu Sensei is an expert at extracting "byouma", demons of disease, from possessed students!A one-shot preceded the serialization. It was published in the Akamaru of Spring 09
Mystery Folklorist Yakumo Itsuki
Itsuki is an assistant at the Folklore Research Institute and is always caught in mysterious cases as he pursues his studies. Follow along as he tries to unlock these mysteries that are tangled with old beliefs and local customs using his keen professional intelligence. (
Eliminate Dangerous Doctors
Like gods, doctors hold the lives of their patients in the palms of their hand. When doctors go bad who will stand up to them when the law is powerless? E.D.D is the fabled agency that works to rid society of these crooked men. When Dr. Kasahara meets his untimely termination from his hospital he is recruited to the ranks of this mysterious agency. Join Kasahara and Kojima as they Eliminate Dangerous Doctors.[MU]