The Academy of Ninjas
Plot: Nikumaru, meaning "meatball" in Japanese, is a seventeen-year-old student at Ninja High School, a special school for the training of ninja. He is short and chubby, but he possesses a super technique known as the "kamikaze", where he stirs up a whirlwind with his feet. The series introduces his many adventures and pranks as Nikumaru meets with his rivals both in and out of school. [Source: Animenfo]
The Red Bicycle
A friendly, good-natured mailman traverses the rural areas of Korea on his red bicycle, dealing out letters and interacting with the letter-writers and recipients along the way.
Doing Time
In 1994 the mangaka Kazuichi Hanawa was arrested on firearms offences and sentanced to three years in prison. Once released, Hanawa set about creating this autobiographical record of his life behind bars. The first few chapters relate to his incarceration in jail whilst awaiting trial and the rest of the work covers his actual prison sentance. There is no ongoing plot but, rather, each chapter relates in minute detail the customs and rituals of prison life - food, clothing, rules, work, exercise, bathing and so on and so forth. The only things omitted are the background of the author's crime, trial, sentancing and release but an interview with the author and a commentary by the anime critic Tomohide Kure (who was involved in Hanawa's defence) are included to shed some light on these aspects.