Letter Bee
Plot: Tegami Bachi (or Letter Bees) are couriers that deliver important letters and packages throughout the land of eternal dusk, Amber Ground.The story revolves around Lag a young boy who was born at The Day of Flicker, 12 years ago when the man-made sun went down for unknown reasons. The manga follows his ambition to become a Letter Bee and how he follows the path of his idol Guche who went missing...
Fake Letter - Usotsuki na Koibumi
Plot: Sensei, the person whom I long for, whom I wait for, whom I love, and whom I want to be with. At night, I always think about you, Sensei. You are similar to me, but you have a completely different personality. The moment I fell in love with him, school has become a different kind of place because of him. The love between Sensei and I has begun to grow.