Crayon Shin-chan
Crayon Shin-chan (?????????, Kureyon Shinchan) is a manga and anime series written by Yoshito Usui. The American version of the manga is titled "Crayon ShinChan" while the UK, Catalan, Galician, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, German, Hindi, Danish and American version of the anime is titled Shin-Chan. The series follows the antics of a five year-old boy Shinnosuke Nohara, his parents, neighbours, and friends. This story is set in Kasukabe, Saitama Prefecture, Japan. The show is called "Crayon Shin-chan" because "crayon" signifies the fact that it is a tool commonly used by kindergartners and that Shin-chan goes to kindergarten. "Shin-chan" is the affectionate name for the main character. (R.I.P. Usui Yoshito April 21, 1958 – September 11, 2009)
Papa No Iukoto O Kikinasai!
The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised. The story explains the day-to-day of a college freshman just starting a new life in the School of Literature Department of Tama University. While he grew up with his sister, he left and lived by himself when she got married who had two daughters from a previous marriage. He tried to distance himself from that family was the reason that the moved out to live on his own. About 3 years later he was asked by his sister to visit and babysit the girls which suddenly turned his life upside down when a plane ride with which the girls' parents went missing. He now has to live with three daughters of his sister; with which two (from a previous marriage) are not related by blood: a tsundere (14 years), a little demon (10 years) and a small girl (3 years). In a six tatami mat size room.
Dr. Rurru
The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised. A planet-threatening space disease, the "demon flu", has infected an inhabitant of Earth, and a space doctor is needed! The Space Medical Bureau has chosen Dr. Rurru for the job, but -- unfortunately for Minao Hitoharu, the infected patient -- she has a tendency to mishear and misspeak (with a mind towards ecchi) to comical effect.