Dororo, a young orphan thief, falls into the company of Hyakkimaru, a powerful demon-hunting Rounin. Before Hyakkimaru's birth his father, a greedy feudal lord, made a pact with 40 demons and let them each take a piece of his unborn son's body, in return for granting him great power. Hyakkimaru was born without arms, legs, eyes, ears a nose or mouth, a barely human creature, and his father had him thrown in the river. He was rescued and raised by Dr. Honma, who made him artificial limbs and helped him learn to fight the demons - each time he defeats one he reclaims one piece of his body. Now he and Dororo travel together through the war-torn countryside
The adventures of three agents from outer space who are sent to Earth to determine whether the planet, a potential threat to the universe, should be destroyed. The instrument of destruction is a device resembling a large black ball with two antennae that is variously called an anti-proton bomb, a solar bomb, and a neutron bomb. Although the three agents (Captain Bokko, Nokko, and Pukko) are originally humanoid in appearance, upon arrival on Earth they take on the appearances of a rabbit (Bokko), a horse (Nokko), and a duck (Pukko) that they had captured as examples of Earth life forms. While on Earth they travel in a tire-shaped vehicle capable of enormous speeds called the Big Wheel, which can travel on both land and water (and, with modifications, through the air).The series tackles a number of issues which were surprisingly progressive for a manga of that period; particularly ecological concerns and poverty.