The story is about Yawara Inokuma , a young girl who aspires to an ordinary life but who, due to her innate talent, is forced to keep practicing judo by her authoritarian grandfather, Jigor? Inokuma, with the aim of achieving championship in Japan and the gold medal in the Barcelona's 1992 Olympic Games. Because of all the pressure from her grandfather, she has a generally bad attitude about judo, avoiding it as much as she can. However, as the manga continues, she begins to understand why her grandfather so loves judo, and she begins to appreciate it more. -From Wikipedia
Close to My Sweetheart
Plot: Exchange students of boy and girl schools, the start of a confusing and sweet life? Qu You Lin, a national Judo champion, and Yan Ya Qiao, honored as a traditional Chinese music genius, were forced to study in each other's schools. What You Lin faced at the boys' school, is a shaky Judo club, useless members, and a runaway coach; Ya Qiao, at the girls' school, although nicknamed Little Prince Xiao Qiao, can he live surrounded by stars? Both like to go back to their schools, but still like to find new possibilities
Angry Manhwa
"In a Fight, they say that the first one to bleed from his or her nose is the loser. Father, Mother and Brother...They're all LOSERS that bled from the nose facing that damn monster called WORLD!I'm not going to fall into that one. Even though I have to break my head, I'm not going to bow my head before anyone. I'm going to finish everyone! I'm going to throw everyone on the ground with the "Ushi Mata". Even though my opponent is...a GIRL" The Boy that doesn't bow his head to anyone... SUK DONGMIN