The central plot revolves around a man named Bunshichi Tanba, a dojo-crasher who seeks stronger fighters to prove his strength to himself. While traveling to several schools and challenging the best each had to offer, Tanba came to the FAW (a gym that trains pro-wrestlers) and is pitted against T. Kajiwara. Tanba is defeated and humiliated after realizing that he is not strong enough and disappears for 3 years. Upon his return, he has become nearly unbeatable.
Kitakubu Katsudou Kiroku
When a friend asks Natsuki what high school club she's going to join, she cheerfully responds "the go-home club" (meaning, she's not going to join any of them). However, she soon realizes that this club actually exists at her high school, and she's just expressed interest in joining it! Before she knows it, she ends up as one of the two new members of "the go-home club," which is a small group of eccentric school girls. One of the girls likes fighting bears, while another is ridiculously rich. But what exactly constitutes the activities of "the go-home club"?
My Favorite Girl
Hayato Igarashi has worked together in a chinese restaurant with Shouko Mishima for a little while. As the reserved Shouko grows closer to him Hayato realizes his greatest wish is to keep her smiling. Will her tragic last relationship stop that? And what’ll happens when a new guy comes to eat at the chinese restaurant?
From MangaHelpers:"The Sixth Dimension Experiment." This experiment, in attempting to open one of the eleven dimensions in our reality, the sixth dimension (Secht), resulted in a catastrophic explosion that killed 110 million people and left 12 countries in ruins. The originator of this experiment, Himeka Yuki, bearing the total responsibility for the failure of this experiment, has been banished from reality for eternity. In response to this event, the world leaders in sciences formed a monitoring agency known as "Zeien" to keep control of all scientists and technology in order to prevent another Sixth Dimension Experiment.10 years have passed since the incident. Takaomi Yuki, the younger brother of Himeka, notices a change in the "Time Machine Destination" that his sister has given him before her banishment. Suddenly, the device summons a lively girl armored with metals he has never seen. "Takaomi-san! To save Earth, pull out your lance and ride me!" To uncover the truth, the two will begin an adventure that crosses time and space. [DrCoke]