Kidou Senshi Gundam MSV-R: Johnny Ridden no Kikan
Plot: After the end of the One Year War, a man named Led Wayline was recruited to serve in the Federation Survey Service. One thing is though, Led has no idea who he was. But as the time passes by, he gets some dreams of his ties with a Zeon pilot named Johnny Ridden.
34-sai Mushoku-san
They say that the prime of one's career happens in their mid-thirties. During that time, women plan many things and tell themselves, “I won't let this year go by without doing anything!”And then, a 34 year-old's life begins.Hearing a new vacuum cleaner hum in the night shifts her moods as the Galactic Railroad runs in her mind...Shall we take a look at an unemployed's slow, laid-back daily life?