Buraiden Gai
The story revolves around Kudo Gai, a mischievous 13 year old all alone in the world. He despises his classmates who live by their free will, although supported by parents, but taking it for granted. Gai soon finds out he is contradicting himself for he is being raised at an orphanage as well, and makes an attempt for independence. His actions lands him in trouble, where he is framed for murder and sent to a place in an unknown location called the human institute.
Akatsuki: a powerful demon of illness which spread into victims, turning their eyes red, and slowly killing them. Usually, they take form of a strong monster connected to the victim's body. The only way to cure the victims infected with Akatsuki is to slash the victim's body with special anti-Akatsuki weapons, known as "Crave." The people who possess and use these weapons are called "Kiri-Isha" (Slash Doctors). Hibiki, the protagonist of this story, is a Kiri-isha. He is partnered with Kirisa, another Kiri-Isha. Their mission is to cure people infected with Akatsuki.(Source: Ju-da-su)