Plot: Kinasuki Shin is a delinquent who always seems to get into trouble- but his martial arts skills usually save him from getting hurt during fights. One day, as he was being threatened by a group of gangsters, supermodel Takami Ukon sees him and is impressed by Shin's superiority in fighting against the gangsters. As fate would have it, Ukon discovers how Shin's bad luck has landed him in a huge debt involving an imported car. Shin's only option is to repay the money via monthly installments by finding a part-time job. Ukon meets Shin at school the following day and proceeds to explain that he saw the whole incident by accident, but promises not to tell anyone. He then offers Shin a job as his bodyguard. The initially skeptical Shin is later enticed by the high wages and signs a contract with Ukon.Ukon transfers to Meikyo High School ends up in the same class as Shin. Whenever both of them are together, they become involved in more trouble than either would have been in if he were alone. Eventually Shin confesses to Ukon that he seems to 'attract disaster and bad luck'. To his amazement, Ukon admits that he has the same problem.Predictably, the duo become quite popular at school; beautiful but wild Shin and handsome supermodel Ukon. Even so, no one knows about the fact that Shin is Ukon's bodyguard, as it was agreed that the matter should be kept confidential because Shin could not bear to let Houshou senpai (his benefactor) worry about his huge debt. What will become with the two of them as they go through high-school life together? Many new characters appear as the story progresses, and the ensuing drama and hilarity make this manga well worth a read for any BL fan.
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